Thursday, 21 December 2017

Students interaction (Nea Karya Primary School, Greece)

Greek students work on their profiles on Twinspace and communicate with the students from the other counties.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Students interaction

Here you can see some of the students of Escola Rosa Oriol, Lliçà d'Amunt, working on their profiles on Twinspace and starting communication with other partners.

The winner logo!

With 102 votes, this logo is the winner! Thanks everyone for your help and congratulations to all our participants! You ALL did a great job!


Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Nea Karya Primary School, Greece: Activity A16

At 12/12/2017 the charity event took place with great success. Many people from the local community came to the school, got informed about the project and contributed to the charity event. The event was the outcome of the collaboration among students, teachers and parents.   

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Nea Karya Primary School, Greece: Activity A16 - Involving the local community

Nea Karya Primary School, Greece: Activity A16 - A poster has been made in order all the local community to know about the charity event and to take part in it. The poster has been printed and has been posted on several places of the village. Also it has been uploaded on the school blog.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Logos on the Erasmus+ corner of the Greek School

At the Nea Karya Primary School all the produced logos by students have been posted on the Erasmus+ corner of the school. From all these creation three ones were selected to represent the school in the Logo Contest Activity.

Logo contest

After all the logos are posted, an international voting takes place to decide which will be the logo to represent our project!

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Activity A3 - Logos proposed from each country

Each country should proposed three logos. Here you can see the three winner logos of each country. An international voting will be done to decide which will be the logo to represent our project!
Proposed logos on PhotoPeach

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Nea Karya Primary School: Students, teachers and parents work for the charity event (A16 charity event) preparing a Christmas Charity School Event.

A3 activity - Preparing the logos

While some of the Catalan students decided to prepare A3 activity in their houses by using ICT tools or their hands, colours and imagination, others decided to use some free time at school to start drawing ideas! Here you can see some of them working:

Here you can see students from The Netherlands working on the logos:

 Nea Karya Primary School, Greece: Working for the A3 activity - LOGO COMPETITION (all grades of the school):

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Nea Karya Primary School, Greece: Dissemination of the outcomes of the 1st transnational meeting to the teachers of the school

Nea Karya Primary School, Greece: The teachers who attended the first teachers’ meeting in Spain informed the project team of their school about the activities of the project.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

1st transnational meeting in Spain

On the second week of October, we had our first transnational meeting. We worked a lot to start preparing all the amazing activities for this school year regarding the project. In the following link you can see a video of the meetings. Enjoy!