Project Details

About the project

On The Road Of Exile is an Erasmus Ka219 funded project. The basic aim of the project is students by examining their history to realize that migration matters accord everyone. In other words the project is designed to help teachers and students to integrate with refugee and migration issues in interesting and educative ways in order to raise their knowledge and empathy about them. Also students and teachers are supposed to foster their sense of solidarity and responsibility towards refugees. Furthermore this project aims to raise parents and local community’s awareness of these issues, to collaborate with them in many levels, to bring them in touch with students and teachers from abroad (from different cultural and educational backgrounds).


-They will learn to approach such world events from different points of view,
-they will foster their open-mindedness and respect for others and learn that the refugee crisis is a worldwide one and collaborating in European level it is the better way for seeking solutions in such matters,
-they will develop cultural awareness about both other cultures and their own cultures and increase their awareness of being European citizens.
-they will promote an awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity within Europe, preventing in this way their intercultural animosity and be more aware of the surrounding world.
-they will improve their English and have the chance to use them in authentic situations of communication.
-They will improve their ICT skills

Work process

The project is due to last for two years and all the activities have been already planned and split into all the 5 countries. Students will be divided in transnational teams and working jointly to a varied of activities. Also there will be an assessment procedure after each activity and in the end of the project as well. The results of our activities will be displayed in Twinspace , in the school blogs and in the project website.

Expected results

Among others, expected results are to:

-increase students and teachers’ digital competence,
-raise students’ interesting for European Languages and others teaching subjects,
-increase students’ knowledge about European culture and history.

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