Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Lemin Koulukeskus

The last day of the term is always a big celebration in Lemi comprehensive. All pupils, their parents, friends and relatives gathered to our big gymnastic hall: altogether we were over 600 people there!

This year the theme of our spring party was our Erasmus - project. The 5th and 6th graders performed traditional dances from Greece and Netherlands, pictures from the exchange weeks were shown and pupils who had been in exchange told everyone about their experiences. We really got publicity to our project in a very positive way. And at the end of the celebration all our 9th graders got their certificates.

We got excellent feedback from the party – and also from our project. The big question from the pupils and parents was whether the project continues. All the younger pupils were so willing to take part in the future!

And now we are on holidays, relaxing and enjoying! We wish you all happy holidays, we are looking forward to seeing you in autumn term.

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